All about SOVIA!


Birth & Family


I was born in Holland, Michigan on March 10, 2000. I moved to Lowell when I was about 3 or 4.

I am half Chinese and Cambodian. I look nothing like my siblings because I have a lighter complexion.

I have 1 sister and 2 half brothers. I'm the oldest child and I feel really old around my youngest brother because he's 12 years younger than me.



If you don't know me, I will be quiet and awkward because I'm shy. People usually misunderstand and think that I hate them.

If you do become close to me then I'm like a total weirdo. I'm just unique :P.

I have a habit of laughing a lot. I don't know why that happens, but I laugh after like every sentence. I can't control it.

If you make me mad, I will ignore you or kick you out of my life if you really hurt my feelings.


  • Bunnies
  • Pugs
  • Food
  • Korean dramas
  • K-pop (U-KISS)
  • Animated movies like Ice Age or Shrek

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